Archives du blog
Créer une cyberentreprise avec WordPress
Est-ce possible d’avoir une entreprise complète sur Internet? Tout à fait! WordPress et quelques extensions vous permettront de le faire aisément. Dans cette présentation, Danielle vous présente une entreprise en ligne complète (panier d’achat, membership, affiliation et autorépondeurs) qui fonctionne … Continuer la lecture Créer une cyberentreprise avec WordPress
How Video Can Boost Your Traffic
Did you know that YouTube is the number two search engine on the internet? Did you know that traffic from YouTube to your site converts higher than Facebook traffic? Now is the time for you to boost your presence using … Continuer la lecture How Video Can Boost Your Traffic
Get More Visitors with WordPress SEO
Within the array of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, the use of content marketing is among the latest trends being implemented to increase search engine visibility, brand awareness, and conversions. Whether companies are using WordPress as a CMS or to … Continuer la lecture Get More Visitors with WordPress SEO
Blog Like a Journalist
We live in an era where so many different stories and experiences are made available through the Internet. This bodes well for journalism. And traditional media is noticing. More news editors require their journalists to blog, and traditional news agencies look … Continuer la lecture Blog Like a Journalist
Managing Multiple Authors – Creating an Editorial Process
In this session we will look at a couple of different options as to how you can handle multiple authors, whether they be guest bloggers or regular contributors. We will also look at options for creating a full blown editorial … Continuer la lecture Managing Multiple Authors – Creating an Editorial Process
Facebook Promotion
You have a WordPress site that needs distribution and exposure. Zuckerberg has over a billion people relying on his increasingly complex social network for information. Well isn’t that convenient! In this talk we’ll cover how to effectively leverage Facebook to … Continuer la lecture Facebook Promotion
UN WordPress, DEUX portails, TROIS leçons
Vous songez utiliser WordPress pour réaliser un répertoire ou un portail? Alors vous ne devez pas manquer cette présentation! Nous avons développé pas un, mais deux portails qui font la promotion de la région de Joliette et qui s’adressent à … Continuer la lecture UN WordPress, DEUX portails, TROIS leçons
The ABCs of HTML
HTML is one of the core languages of the Internet. You don’t HAVE to know HTML to build and maintain a WordPress website – but knowing the basic tags gives you more control over the content, presentation, and impact of … Continuer la lecture The ABCs of HTML
Spearhead Your Career by Contributing to WordPress
Becoming a fantastic WordPress developer/designer/blogger/themer can be daunting. Once you start working with the CMS, you soon realize that there are lots of different directions one can take and the learning curve can be steep, but you don’t have to … Continuer la lecture Spearhead Your Career by Contributing to WordPress
Zero to Hero: Five Steps to a Blog People Will Actually Want to Read
In this session, aimed at people in the Blogger/User track, we’ll answer the question: « I started a blog; now what? » We’ll cover five basic areas: Context (how to keep an active blog and your sanity) Customization (basic, free tweaks to … Continuer la lecture Zero to Hero: Five Steps to a Blog People Will Actually Want to Read