Joseph Karr O’Connor

I’m dedicated to accessibility and have been a practitioner since 1999. My speciality is institutionalizing accessibility: planning, organizing, and implementing well-structured and coordinated accessibility systems for institutions. I’ve been using WordPress in education since 2005.

Because of my involvement in the international accessibility community, which includes many persons with all types of disabilities, I am well-connected to other accessibility practitioners. I have been donating my time to help make WordPress, the open source blogging platform, accessible.

My WordPress theme creation project, Cities, now has theme teams working to create accessible themes in Montreal, Copenhagen, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, and 12 other cities. @AccessibleJoe

About Shannon Smith

Shannon Smith, web developer. Multilingual web specialist. Fan of open source, semantic web, microformats, WordPress. Sewist and parent. Former WordCamp Montreal organizer and Montreal WordPress community organizer.
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