WordCamp Pillar
Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.
WiredTree provides Managed VPS and Managed Dedicated Servers to WordPress users worldwide from our Chicago-based data center and offices. Every WT server is backed by 24×7 telephone support, ticket support with 15 minute average response times, and is fully managed and monitored by WiredTree to maximize uptime and minimize frustration. All servers come ready-to-run with cPanel/WHM and are optimized and security hardened with firewall and anti-spam out of the box. With experience in SSD technology, MariaDB, Memcached, WordPress plugins, server optimization, and LiteSpeed Web server, WiredTree can take your site’s performance to the next level.
PlanetHoster offre aux utilisateurs de WordPress partout dans le monde des solutions d’hébergement web premium. Que ce soit de l’Hébergement Mutualisé, des Serveurs Cloud, des Serveurs Dédiés et bien plus, l’Hébergement Web de PlanetHoster surpassera certainement vos attentes. Leurs techniciens certifiés sont très expérimentés avec WordPress. Vous pouvez être assuré que votre site web WordPress se chargera très rapidement et sera hébergé dans un environnement sécuritaire & surveillé 24/7. Offrez la meilleure latence à vos visiteurs en étant hébergé en Europe (France) ou en Amérique du Nord (Canada)! PlanetHoster, Host Your World.
WordCamp Champion
If you use WordPress to build things for other people, Code Poet wants to make your life easier. No matter whether you freelance on a solo basis, lead a small web shop, make plugins in a dark closet, or crack the whip at a large design firm, Code Poet’s aim is to become your go-to source of information and resources to help you expand your WordPress skills and know-how. To make you better at what you do. To make it easier to make your living and look great doing it.
You’re part of a tribe of WordPress designers and developers over 10,000 strong, spanning the entire globe. codepoet.com aims to bring the working knowledge and real world strategies of those people into one place, for you to tap into.
DreamHost is a global Web hosting and cloud services provider with over 350,000 customers and 1.2 million blogs, websites and apps hosted. The company offers a wide spectrum of Web hosting and cloud services including Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Dedicated Server Hosting, Domain Name Registration, the cloud storage service, DreamObjects, and the cloud computing service DreamCompute. More information can be found at http://dreamhost.com.
WordCamp Accomplice
WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.
WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 400,000 commercial websites from all over the world.
More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org
Commanditaire Bronze
To deliver your WordPress web property without fail, Carbon60 provides a white glove level of service to support the entire WordPress development and delivery life-cycle, hosted within our Tier 3 grade Canadian Cloud data centres. Our WordPress sandbox allows design/programming teams to create new WordPress development environments on-demand while an integrated code management service provides a secure place to manage code changes. Sites are then staged for testing using Carbon60’s integrated security and performance testing tools. Once optimized, site code and content are promoted to our world-class production WordPress delivery platform. This platform combines the strengths of an enterprise cloud computing architecture – optimized to host WordPress source code, plug-ins and content – with a vastly scalable and robust global edge content delivery/security system. As a result, our WordPress delivery platform delivers content faster and more reliably, making your site highly resilient to both welcome traffic spikes and unwelcome denial-of-service attacks.
Commanditaire Aluminum
easyPress is a Managed WordPress Hosting service that’s made in Canada. A fast, reliable and secure solution is super important when you value your website and its message. Focus your time and energy on your content and let easyPress relieve you of managing the tech that makes WordPress load quickly and consistently. All of our service plans include DNS hosting and some even include email hosting provided by easyDNS. Check out our very affordable offerings at http://easypress.ca/plans/.
Vortex Solution, c’est plus que de la simple conception de site web; c’est un guichet unique pour toutes vos solutions Web à Montréal et à Québec, de l’élaboration de stratégies Internet à la création de site Web, en passant par le référencement sur les moteurs de recherche et le marketing Web.
Notre équipe de consultants et d’analystes Web sera en mesure de vous accompagner et de vous conseiller efficacement dans votre projet de création de site Internet, en établissant dès le départ une stratégie Web orientée vers vos objectifs d’affaires et conçue sur mesure en fonction de votre clientèle. Notre expertise, acquise depuis 1999 à travers l’élaboration de plus de 3000 sites Web, fait de Vortex Solution un partenaire de choix pour mener à bien votre projet de conception de site Internet.
Nous sommes des conseillères, formatrices et développeuses. Nous utilisons le genre féminin pour alléger la lecture. Nous utilisons WordPress, bien sûr, mais ce n’est qu’une des nombreuses cordes à notre arc. Nous sommes deux personnes pas mal sharps, mais parfois, nous avons besoin d’aide nous aussi. Notre vaste réseau de collaboratrices est là pour ça. Nous choisissons des projets qui nous rendent heureuses et fières. Nous voulons que vous le soyez aussi.
Spécialistes WordPress, création de sites, blogs, intranets et réseaux sociaux sur mesure, design, formation, sécurité, performance, hébergement.
WPlook est un studio de création Web qui crée des thèmes Premium WordPress professionnels et attrayants. Nous réalisons l’importance de développer un partenariat solide avec nos clients, c’est pourquoi nous sommes aimables, abordables et nous avons un véritable intérêt dans le travail que nous faisons. Notre expérience et notre approche créative de conception de sites Web garantissent que tous les thèmes que nous créons soient entièrement fonctionnels et personnalisables, élégants et novateurs. Un site Web efficace est facile à utiliser tandis qu’on est en connexion et en communication avec nos utilisateurs. En outre, la qualité de nos services et la satisfaction de nos clients est notre succès!
Célébrant 10 ans en affaires en 2014, Symetris développe des sites web performants qui vont au-delà du marketing: ils sont conçus comme des outils d’affaires pour nos clients.
Notre équipe de spécialistes WordPress à Montréal saura vous en dire plus sur les bénéfices et la pertinence de cette plateforme pour votre site web.
Mark Senff
Mark Senff is a front end developer who creates websites and things (preferrably with WordPress). And occasionally does magic tricks, too (quite a few new ones since last year).
Digital Insite
I specialize in creative, innovative, user-friendly websites, working closely with my clients to ensure total satisfaction.
I enjoy the process of determining the colours, the layout, the images for a site, so that they all work together to bring forth the right feel for the topic of the site.
And I love the challenge of figuring out how to create the best user experience, applying my knowledge of marketing principles, search engine optimization techniques, and coding it all into a custom design that presents the client’s business in the best possible way. http://digitalinsite.ca
Onokowa Technologies
Onokowa Technologies Inc. is a company founded by Anthony Abou-Jaoude and his wife Stephanie. Anthony has more than 6 years experience in developing custom websites and is now in love with WordPress. He is also a certified Red Hat Linux Administrator as well as a professional Engineer in the OIQ « Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec ». Stephanie takes care of the beauty and design aspects of the business, and with her master’s degree in Interior Architecture brings a unique spin to everything we do. Together they have developed numerous websites for large companies as well as individuals and they are pleased that from year to year they are getting more clients. They enjoy doing websites and they are very proud to say that they are now friends with every single client they ever dealt with.
Blog Algérien dédié au Webmarketing. Je vous apprend à comprendre et à maitriser les notions de bases du marketing sur Internet.
Pressbooks produces well-designed ebook files and print-on-demand ready PDFs. Built on WordPress.