
Each year WordCamp Montreal strives to offer a wide variety of talks and discussions about and around WordPress. Our speakers are passionate, expert volunteers who want to teach you about WordPress and publishing on the web.

Below are the full descriptions of talks confirmed for WordCamp Montreal. Talks are 45 minutes long including time for questions with 15 minutes between talks for switching rooms if necessary.

¿Comment stimuler vos neurones avec du fun? → en 5 minutes!

Presented by Anna Takahashi in Special.

Comment rester concentré, efficace et créatif pendant de longues heures ? Comment rester attentif et assimiler de l’information pendant toute une journée ? Durant ce mini-atelier de 15 minutes, je vous donne un aperçu des astuces pour stimuler le cerveau et détendre le corps, que j’ai développées en 18 ans de recherche, que j’enseigne dans mes classes de Kinéson/Yoga de la voix et que j’utilise dans mon quotidien de traductrice/geekette. Attention : vous risquez de vous amuser :-) Apportez votre bouteille d’eau!


¿How to Boost your Brain with Fun? → in 5 minutes!

Presented by Anna Takahashi in Special.

How to stay focused, productive and creative during long hours? How to remain attentive and assimilate information during a whole day? During this 15 minute mini-workshop, I will show you easy mind and body hacks to boost your brain and relax your body, developed over 18 years of research, that I teach in my Kinéson/Voice-Yoga classes and use in my daily life as translator/geekette. Warning: you risk having fun :-) Bring your water bottle!


“Hello World” of WordPress Theming: An Introduction to WordPress Theme Building

Presented by Alex Dankoff in Workshops.

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

A beginners guide to creating a custom theme, aimed at users who have used WordPress mostly with other people’s themes, and are ready to dive into creating their own theme from scratch. Will include the following content: principles of theming, theme essentials (styles.css, index.php), theme includes (sidebar.php, header.php, footer.php), theme settings (functions.php), assets (/css, /js, /img, /fonts), first-plugin.php (a simple plugin for changing excerpt length). A starter theme including the code provided in the slides will be provided. The rest of the workshop myself and other volunteers would help people customize their themes.

For Beginner to Intermediate WordPress users. Excellent for first time theme creators or people who have just started making themes. Attendees should have basic knowledge of php, html, css and javascript. Attendees should know how to install and run a WordPress installation on their local computers. Attendees should have a working installation of WordPress on their computers to build the theme with. These include having:

  • A fresh install of WordPress running on your local machine.
  • A code editor installed (Sublime Text, Notepad++, PHPStorm, Webstorm, etc)
  • A basic understanding of HTML, CSS and PHP.

This is a hands-on workshop. A special ticket to this event is required. Space is limited.

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A CSS Adventure

Presented by Kathryn Presner in Users.

Ever wanted to make small changes to the look-and-feel of your site but weren’t sure how to go about it? Itching to change the colour of your site title, tweak the size of your paragraph text, or hide the date on your posts? Let’s go on a CSS adventure together! In this session you’ll learn some basic CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and we’ll look at some practical examples, using a browser inspector to customize our site’s design.

Some basic HTML knowledge is helpful, but not required. You should be open to looking “under the hood” at a site’s HTML and CSS.

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(Note: it’s the companion website, there were no slides)

Be a Customer Service Superstar with Customized WP-Admin

Presented by Sarah Hines in Theming.

When you work in WP-Admin every day, it’s wicked easy to navigate. But for users who are new to WordPress or only update their sites occasionally, the admin area can be full of WordPress-centric-lingo and not very intuitive. If you’ve created a customized front-end experience, why not take a few extra moments and tighten up the admin? It’s not difficult to make users happier and reduce the number of questions you get! We’ll cover customizing via both plugins and code, adding your own help documentation to the admin, and current best practices.

This talk is for individuals who are developing sites for other editors. The focus is directed at intermediate developers who wish to create their own WordPress admin customizations, but will touch on appropriate plugins to mimic the same functionality.

Beyond UX: Designing for Delight

Presented by Belinda Darcey in UX.

Come and learn the secrets to designing a WordPress site (or a mobile app) that your audience will love. What do you need to include to ensure that visitors experience not just a user-friendly site, but one they actively enjoy? How do you create something they immediately want to share with their social networks? How do you satisfy repeat visitors, and keep them coming back for more?

Understand the business case for delight so that you can convince your team of it’s value and prove it’s worth to your clients.

Open to all levels: beginner to advanced. Designers, Bloggers, Businesses and Developers are all welcome.

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Building Client Side Web Applications with WordPress and WP-API

Presented by Roy Sivan in Code.

I will talk about the merits of using Client Side technologies when building out a web application. With WP-API moving its way into core and getting better, building web applications with WordPress is becoming more feasible, and easier. JavaScript MVC frameworks have exploded in popularity over the past couple years and I will show that they can be used to build with WordPress, in faux MVC setup. I hope people learn the value in the WP-API, if they did not already, and when client side can be a better option for a custom build.

I will cover the basics of everything including what is WP-API and the basics on how it works (responses, etc.)

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Ça coûte combien un site Web?

Presented by Shannon Smith in Users.

Pourquoi sont les sites Web si dispendieux? Comment apprendre si j’en reçois pour mon argent? Que ce soit votre premier site Internet, ou un redesign, il est souvent difficile de savoir où commencer. Découvrez comment choisir un bon développeur, comment évaluer leur travail, et ce qui doit entrer dans le budget. Apprenez pourquoi l’option qui est le meilleur marché et parfois le plus cher, et ce qui arrive après que le site est terminée. Nous examinerons plusieurs différents budgets, et ce qui arrive avec chacun. Un guide pour les OSBL et les entrepreneurs.


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Combining Custom Post Types, Fields, and Meta Boxes to Do the Impossible with WordPress

Presented by Allison Levine in Code.

Custom post types, fields, and meta boxes all offer powerful ways to transform WordPress sites, but when you use all three together, the impossible becomes possible. In this talk I’ll explore just how custom you can go by combining WordPress’ custom functions to solve a real-world problem. I’ll also cover custom taxonomies, custom templates, and leveraging some basic PHP, featured images, and existing plugin functionality to take your custom post type even further.

Attendees should be comfortable with making changes to WordPress theme and/or plugin files.

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Comment écrire du code sécure

Presented by Stéphane Boisvert in Code.

Une introduction a comment écrire du code sécure pour WordPress.
Un apperçu des vulnérabilité les plus commune et comment protéger son code.
Un survol qui inclut:
Bien utiliser les fonctions: esc_url(), esc_html(), esc_attr(), esc_js et wp_json_encode()
Se protéger contres les Injections SQL
Nettoyer des donnés de l’utilisateur
Comment utiliser des nonces
Utiliser Current_user_can pour les permissions d’utilisateurs


Cette conférence est pour les gens qui ont commencé à modifié le code PHP dans les fichiers de leur thème. Elle va vous donner une idée de comment le faire de façon sécure. C’est aussi un bon rappel pour les développeurs intermédiaires et avancés.

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Conquer Your Files… A Basic Lesson in Content Organization

Presented by Veronica Louis in Users.,, Which is the final logo file already? Oh, the art of file naming… we’ve all seen it, these never-ending file names that cause more confusion than anything else. Are you certain you’re uploading the right files to your WordPress content manager? Does it matter that your WordPress media library is full of ‘IMG_0123.JPG’s? Are all your source folders and files in order and easy to browse? Learn useful tips and tricks about file organization and more. From your desktop to the web, take control of your files once and for all.

There are no prerequisites for this presentation, except maybe for a basic knowledge of what WordPress is and what the media library looks like. Otherwise, if people own a computer, or know what a computer is, that’s plenty right there.

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Créer votre propre Shortcode

Presented by Michael Bontyes in Code.

The presentation aims to show how to create your own shortcode.
We will go through the “why & how” questions following practical steps:

  • What’s a shortcode?
  • When it might be useful?
  • How to create one? Explain the structure and show the code
  • How to add the shortcode to your WordPress
  • Let’s use and display the shortcode!

Extra miles depending on the public:

  • Play with the arguments
  • View how to add dependencies (JS/CSS/Hooks) to the short code

The topic is more technical and requires a minimal knowledge of : WordPress theme structure, use of functions / PHP, HTML.

Conférence en français.

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Develop Your First WordPress Plugin

Presented by Yannick Lefebvre in Workshops.

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

Since WordPress 3.0, Custom Post Types have enabled developers to create numerous plugins that extend the platform beyond basic posts and pages. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop your own WordPress plugin by leveraging Custom Post Types. This session will cover all aspects of working with CPTs including programatically creating new post types, adding new sections to the post type editor, interacting with custom fields through code, displaying new posts on a site, customizing the custom post list page columns and more.

PHP programming basics are required to be able to understand some of the code that will be used in this session, along with a basic understanding of WordPress.

A laptop running a local web server with a WordPress installation or access to a remote WordPress installation with FTP access is required to be able to try out code samples during the workshop. You can follow one of the following tutorials to install WordPress on a local web server:



For remote WordPress installation, install FileZilla:

You should also have a good text editor installed that can provide syntax highlighting:

Programmer’s Notepad for Windows:

Brackets for Mac:

Attendees can download a free chapter of the presenter’s book on plugin development, which will be used as a basis for this workshop here.

This is a hands-on workshop. A special ticket to this event is required. Space is limited.

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Discover the Power of Browser Developer Tools

Presented by Yannick Lefebvre in Code.

Hidden just beneath the surface of most modern browsers are a multitude of developer tools that can simplify any web developer’s life. Whether you’re just trying to install and customize the look of a theme and plugins on your own site or developing larger projects, learning how to work with developer tools will greatly help you with CSS troubleshooting, creating new CSS styling rules, performance analysis, mobile rendering, testing browser compatibility and even tackle more advanced tasks like javascript debugging and analyzing AJAX requests. This presentation will walk through concrete examples showing how developer tools can be used to solve various issues.

Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS will help attendees get the most of this presentation. Some javascript will be discussed towards the end of the presentation as well. This presentation is targeted at beginner and intermediate web site developers and integrators.

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Discover the World of Object-Oriented Programming

Presented by Carl Alexander in Workshops.

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

You’re a WordPress developer. You might have a few plugins under your belt or maybe a theme or two. You build WordPress sites for clients or just for yourself.

You’ve heard of this thing called object-oriented programming. Everyone tells you it’s awesome. Yet each time you look into it, it makes no sense! You end up telling yourself object-oriented programming isn’t useful or worth the trouble.

Don’t give up just now! You’ve found the right workshop for you. It’ll walk you through a basic framework to get you started. You’ll gain the ability to:

  • Find problems to solve using object-oriented programming
  • Sketch your problem into classes
  • Turn your sketches into working PHP classes
  • Perform a retrospective on your work and set new learning objectives

You’ll leave with a better understanding of what object-oriented programming is. You’ll understand (at last!) why it’s your next step as a WordPress developer.

To get the most out of this workshop, you should understand the basics of PHP. You should also be familiar with anything (APIs, template tags, etc) you’d use to make a plugin or a theme. It would also be useful to have a fresh installation of WordPress to work from.

This is a hands-on workshop. A special ticket to this event is required. Space is limited.

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Discussion entre blogueuses : « la parole des femmes sur le Web » Élise Desaulniers s’entretient avec Marianne Prairie.

Presented by Marianne Prairie, Élise Desaulniers in Special.

Marianne Prairie a découvert sa vocation féministe à l’université après avoir constaté l’absence des femmes dans les nouvelles technologies. Tout en menant une carrière de gestionnaire de projet web indépendante, elle fait partie du quintette artistique et humoristique Les Moquettes Coquettes, groupe qui a sévi à la télévision, à la radio, sur les planches, dans la presse et sur le web.

Pendant sa première grossesse en 2007, elle crée le blogue Ce que j’ai dans le ventre qu’elle continue toujours d’alimenter au rythme des frasques familiales et des aberrations entourant « l’être mère ». L’année suivante, elle lance avec une amie le blogue collectif Je suis féministe, une plateforme d’expression pour les jeunes féministes francophones, devenu au fil des ans un incontournable du web féministe (tous des projets réalisés sous WordPress !)

Au printemps 2015, Marianne Prairie et Élise Desaulniers faisaient partie de la quarantaine de blogueuses québécoises à co-signer un billet collectif intitulé « Misogynie 2.0: harcèlement et violence en ligne » où elles dénonçaient l’omniprésence du cybersexisme dans nos conversations en-ligne. Prendre la parole sur le Web, bloguer, c’est souvent s’exposer au paternalisme, au « mansplaining », à des attaque à notre intégrité physique.

Quelle est la réalité des femmes qui prenne parole en-ligne ? Comment gérer les commentaires sur nos blogues? Le public a t-t-il un rôle à jouer ? Et la technologie ? Est-il possible de faire en sorte d’encourager l’expression personnelle et la conversation constructive tout en protégeant les personnes vulnérables? C’est la discussion qu’elles souhaitent avoir avec les participantEs du WordCamp.

Ouvert à toutes et à tous.

Do You *Really* Need a 2kg Pocket Knife? Choosing the Best Ecommerce Solution for your Site

Presented by Kate Newbill in Users.

The biggest and best-known ecommerce solution for WordPress does everything. It’s flexible, extendable, and almost infinitely configurable. It’s a Swiss Army Knife with 276 blades. But if all you need is a bottle opener, do you really need to walk around with a 2kg knife in your pocket?

We’ll talk about the things you need to consider when choosing an ecommerce solution. I’ll give you a list of questions to help you decide. And we’ll discuss some of the available WordPress ecommerce products so you can make an informed decision.

This talk is aimed toward business owners who need to add ecommerce to their sites and toward WordPress consultants (designers/developers) who wish to help their clients make the best decisions on ecommerce solutions. No coding knowledge is required.

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Don’t Let It Die On The Vine: Essential Tips For Managing Your New WordPress Site

Presented by Sarah Marie Lacy in Users.

So you’ve got yourself a shiny new WordPress website. Great! So, er, now what? If you’re feeling intimidated by your new bundle of technological joy, this is the session for you. Fear is the number one killer of WordPress websites but technology doesn’t have to be the monster under the bed. Learn about the pitfalls new WordPress owners face and get strategies to nip them in the bud: from dealing with backups & updates to security measures and remembering to renew your hosting package (yes, really!).

WordPress can be a powerful tool, but like a beloved new plant, it needs regular tending and TLC. Don’t let fear of technology overwhelm you and cause your site to “die on the vine”!

No technical knowledge required. Geared towards very new bloggers and WordPress users who are a little nervous around technology.

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Du contenu sur mesure (sur papier!)

Presented by Michal Bluma in UX.

Surchargez l’aspect de gestionnaire de contenu de WordPress.

La plupart du temps, vos clients ont besoin de présenter autre chose que des pages et des articles sur leurs sites. Que ce soient des livres, des éléments de portfolio, des films, des recettes ou des chats, ces contenus devraient être intégrés comme des Custom Post Types.

Comment planifier tout ce contenu? Comment est-ce qu’on le visualise?

Durant cette présentation, nous prendrons une approche « old school », analogue et sans une seule ligne de code. Nous verrons comment on peut bien se préparer avant même de commencer à coder. À l’aide de simples schémas que nous dessinerons nous -même, nous allons structurer tout notre contenu à l’avance.

Quand viendra le temps de coder notre extension ou notre thème, nous aurons quelques longueurs d’avance. Si c’est un développeur qui s’occupera du reste, il va nous adorer, car il saura exactement quels CPTs et quelles métadonnées il devra préparer.

S’il y a des intéressés, nous pourrons nous réunir après la présentation pour mettre en pratique ces concepts. Je vous montrerai comment faire le tout avec quelques extensions et quelques boucles de code sur mesure.

Comme nous ne traiterons que de concepts de structure d’information, les seuls préalables sont votre curiosité ainsi que votre désir de rendre la tâche facile pour vos webmestres et gestionnaires de contenu.

Voir les diapositives..

Faites décoller votre site avec Jetpack

Presented by Richard Archambault in Users.

Richard va expliquer l’utilisation de base du plugin Jetpack (comment le connecter à, comment configurer ses modules les plus populaires), et il partagera les meilleures pratiques pour l’utilisation de Jetpack avec les sites de vos clients ainsi que quelques conseils plus avancés. Il va également être disponible pour offrir du soutien technique pour Jetpack en personne pour quiconque en a besoin.

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Gestion de communauté 101

Presented by Jean-Pierre Valery in Marketing.

Entre le marketing, les relations publiques, et le support client, la gestion de communauté demande un certain doigté et une certaine approche afin d’être profitable (que ce soit financièrement, stratégiquement, ou juste humainement). Au cours de cette présentation, je vous apprendrais à définir une stratégie de gestion de communauté, à créer un calendrier de publication, et comment optimiser votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux.

Tous niveaux sont bienvenus :)

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Happiness Bar

Presented in Unconference.

The Happiness Bar is not a presentation, it’s a part of the event where volunteer experts hang around and help attendees with any questions they have. Get your WordPress questions answered, one-on-one, by some of the best experts around. Tricky configuration question? Plugins issues? Wanting to bring WordPress in your enterprise but wondering if it’ll fit in? Whatever the question, our friendly volunteers will make sure you leave the chat with solutions.

WordPress Experts: The Happiness Bar needs you! If you’re better at answering questions than asking please come to the bar and help out! You can sign up to be an official happiness barista on the volunteering page.

This session is for everyone.

How I Made a Career Using WordPress Without Knowing a Line of Code

Presented by Andrea Zoellner in Special.

Think only coders can make a living using WordPress? Think again! There are a surprising number of ways to make a career using WordPress without knowing a single line of code. This presentation will tackle some of the barriers that discourage beginners from using WordPress professionally, like a lack of technical skill and feeling like an impostor. Shed the fear and discover different career options and simple WordPress tips while learning to leverage your unique skill set for the tech industry.

For beginners, come as you are!

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How to A/B Test with WordPress: Conversions Aren’t Just for Landing Pages

Presented by Brendan Sera-Shriar in Marketing.

This is not a marketing presentation on how to get more conversions. In this presentation we’ll walk through best practices for integrating A/B testing tools and plugins like Visual Web Optimizer and Optimizely for WordPress. We will also look at how to properly setup template pages, embed tracking codes and how to manage your content and media for testing across multiple devices.

This presentation is suitable for intermediate designers, developers or marketing managers using WordPress.

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How to Create a Website that Doesn’t Suck (Using SMART Objectives, Personas and Wireframes)

Presented by Dana Salman in UX.

How to create a website that doesn’t suck (using SMART objectives, personas and wireframes).

Set S.M.A.R.T Objectives for your personal or business WordPress site
Creating personas to represent your target and existing customers
Researching competitors and samples and creating a swipe file
Sketching a wireframe
Creating a wireframe using online tools

A clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and for whom. Both advanced developers and beginning bloggers can benefit from setting an effective website strategy to make sure their website achieves the intended objectives.

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How to Turn Your WordPress Site into a Marketing Machine

Presented by Mohamed Hamad, Liesl Barrell in Marketing.

You’ve launched your site and filled it with awesome content. Huzzah!! But… now what…?

How do you launch effective campaigns to get traffic and acquire new customers or leads? What tools will help you use WordPress to your advantage?

In this talk we’ll take you through ways you can leverage your WordPress site as an awesome inbound campaign hub for social media, content marketing, landing pages, behavioural calls-to-action and lead tracking. You’ll never look at your dashboard quite the same way again…

There’s something for everyone in this talk, though at minimum attendees should at least be comfortable with WordPress basics as a user or blogger.

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Jetpack for Theme Developers

Presented by Kelly Dwan in Theming.

Jetpack has a lot of features for users, but did you know that it can make your life as a developer easier, too? With infinite scroll, featured content, and various custom post types, Jetpack can save you time in creating commonly requested features. Use a CSS preprocessor for easy-to-use customization options. In this talk, I’ll explore all the secret developer features in Jetpack that can give you a head start on your next site, and how to use them in only a few lines of code.

This talk will be most beneficial if you’ve dabbled in WordPress code before – themes, child themes, or plugins – and know what Jetpack is.

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L’interface WordPress pour les nuls

Presented by Jennifer Doré Dallas in Users.

L’objectif de cette présentation est de se familiariser avec l’environnement (interface) de WordPress et les sous-sections qui y sont présentées. Nous apprendrons le jargon WP (pages, articles, médias, thèmes, plugins, widgets, mots-clés, catégories, images à la une, etc.) et de quoi il s’agit. Nous verrons également comment améliorer votre flux de travail afin d’importer du texte de Word et des images du Web vs. de votre ordinateur. Certains plugins et widgets seront survolés afin de vous donner une idée des meilleures pratiques. À la fin de cet atelier, vous ne grincerez plus des dents à la simple idée de jouer dans l’interface WordPress!

Cette présentation s’adresse aux utilisateurs WordPress débutants qui ont déjà l’interface installée ou qui ont déjà pris connaissance de ce à quoi elle ressemble.

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Let’s Install Vagrant and a WordPress Development Environment

Presented by Paul Bearne in Workshops.

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

Simply put, Vagrant makes it really easy to work with virtual machines. By using a virtual machine you can create an isolated development environment that matches server configuration, e.g. PHP/MySQL versions, resulting in fewer surprises on deployment (“Oh, it worked on my desktop!”). Vagrant will save you time, is easily installed and will enable you to give the exact same environment to somebody else.

In this workshop we are going install Vagrant and the VVV install of WordPress. Along the way (as we are waiting for the install to finish) you will learn about how Vagrant works, how to add sites to your new Vagrant setup, and about all the tools / helpers that come with VVV.

We will also touch on the VIP quickstart for WordPress VIP work.

This talk is aimed at anyone developing WordPress code.
Participants should be comfortable installing programs.
If you wish to save time, you may also want to:

  1. Install Git
  2. Install VirtualBox 4.3.x
  3. Install Vagrant 1.6.x

This is a hands-on workshop. A special ticket to this event is required. Space is limited.

Optimiser Google Analytics pour WordPress

Presented by Bernard Prince in Marketing.

Plusieurs plug-ins et options existent pour lier un site WordPress à Google Analytics, Google tag Manager et Webmaster Tools. Mais utilisez-vous ces outils à leur plein potentiel? Savez-vous pourquoi et comment configurer les objectifs et le suivi des ventes en ligne? Connaissez-vous les avantages à lier Analytics, Adwords et Webmasters Tools?

Je vous propose je voir les options possibles et de nombreux trucs afin d’optimiser ces outils. Bien configurés, ils vous permettront d’obtenir des informations de grande valeur pour améliorer votre présence en ligne et vos conversions.

Une connaissance minimale de Google Analytics. La présentation ne sera pas axé sur l’aspect technique, mais bien sur les possibilités offertes avec des comptes et/ou plugins bien configurés.

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Plonger dans les plugins

Presented by Francisco Sottolichio in Theming.

Les plugins. Il y en a tellement que c’est facile de s’y perdre. En plus, quand vous finissez par en trouver un, il répond *presque* parfaitement à votre problème. Mais il manque un petit quelque chose. La date n’est pas au bon format, il manque une colonne, vous voulez ajouter un thumbnail. Bref, il va falloir plonger dedans, et le modifier! Il existe quelques approches pour ne pas s’y perdre.

Dans cette conférence, je ferai le survol des «best practices» en la matière, et de comment j’ai fini par les découvrir.

Utilisateurs WordPress intermédiaires qui ont une certaine idée de ce qu’ils font. Ils doivent être capable de copier et coller quelques lignes de code sans détruire leur site web. Utile pour toute personne qui sont confortable avec le HTML/CSS/PHP et Google.

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Posts vs. Pages & Categories vs. Tags

Presented by Shanta Nathwani in Users.

There is so much confusion about what types of things should be put on a page and what should be in a post. Static vs. Dynamic content is the best way to tackle this. An “About Us” page would be just that… A PAGE. If you are talking about something that is more time sensitive, then you want to do a post. Connected to this would be Categories and Tags. What are they? When creating a website, you can edit a menu to include not only pages, but also category archives that can create a more complete experience for small businesses. This is not just how to do it but WHY you should do it. This gives an in depth look at the justification for placement of content on your website and way finding.

Basic knowledge of WordPress.

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Put a Map On It! Enhanced Geolocation and Mapping with Geo Mashup

Presented by Jeremy Clarke in Code.

WordPress has built-in support for storing location information on posts, but no real way to make use of it. The Geo Mashup plugin enables deep, powerful geolocation in WordPress, letting you easily add geolocations (coordinates) to almost any content type. It also displays locations on maps you can embed in your theme, posts or widgets, with a dizzying array of options for what to show and how to display it.

This talk will start with the default geolocation system in WordPress and how Geo Mashup integrates with it. We’ll then cover the basics of setup and adding locations on posts, then the different map types and situations where you’d use them. We’ll finish with some dev considerations for displaying maps as elegantly as possible.

This talk is aimed at anyone planning a site and considering geo integration. There will be developer speak (PHP/HTML/CSS) at times, but there will be lots to consider for anyone building custom WordPress sites.

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Renouvelez votre amour de WordPress avec Bedrock

Presented by Louis-Michel Couture in Code.

Bedrock améliore la structure standard de WordPress, en mettant en place les principes du Twelve factor app. En combinant WordPress avec les outils modernes comme Vagrant, Git, Composer, Ansible, Capistrano et WP-CLI, Bedrock permet de béficier de la facilité de développement de WordPress et d’un « stack » techno moderne. Déployez une nouvelle version de votre site en quelques secondes. Gérez vos plugins avec Composer. Déplacez vos médias entre vos environnements en un claquement des doigts! Démarrez un serveur vide et installez WordPress sans jamais avoir à vous connecter en SSH! Bedrock amène une bouffée d’air frais au développement WordPress. Si pour toi, HHVM, NGINX, PHP-FPM ne sont pas que des #buzzwords, tu devrais y trouver ton compte!

Cette présentation s’adresse principalement aux gens à l’aise avec le terminal et Git. La présentation n’inclut pas beaucoup de code en tant que tel, mais fait un usage intensif de plusieurs outils qui fonctionnent dans le terminal. Une compréhension de base du fonctionnement d’un serveur sera aussi un atout idéal pour apprécier. Cette présentation a une forte orientation DevOps, mais s’adresse aussi à ceux qui sont intéressés à améliorer leur flot de travail avec WordPress, de la création d’un nouveau site jusqu’à sa mise en ligne.

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Share Your Success Story

Presented by Shannon Smith in Users.

Do you have a blog? Is it fun, interesting, great looking, or inviting? This is not a typical presentation. Instead, it is an informal, audience-participation activity where you are invited to share your blogging success story, in 5 minutes or less. Bilingual activity.

Avez-vous un blogue amusant, intéressant, jolie, ou accueillant? Ceci n’est pas une présentation typique, mais une session informelle où vous êtes invités de partager, en 5 minutes ou moins, vos réussites en blogage. Activité participative et bilingue.



Websites: The Finished Garment, The Jittery Cook, Moi, mes souliers, Élise Desaulniers, Testimonials Widget.

Speed Up Your Site!

Presented by Meagan Hanes in Code.

Did you know the average user will wait only 2-3 seconds waiting for a webpage to load before abandoning it forever? Having a fast website is critical to its success. How do you ensure your site loads fast and reliably, to all kinds of users around the world? In this presentation we’ll discuss seven strategies for increasing your WordPress site’s speed. Covering caching, content delivery networks, image optimization, file optimization, database cleaning, and hosting and theme choices, you’re guaranteed to leave this presentation with concrete next steps for improving your site’s performance.

Most of these strategies can be accomplished through plugins!

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Themes That Make You Go Hmmmm: Theme Strategies for Designers

Presented by Elana Rudick in Theming.

If you want to make money designing WordPress sites, it’s crucial to know when to go custom and when to stick with a ready-made solution. In this session geared to designers looking to make profitable WordPress websites, learn how to assess when to use a premade theme, how to pick the right one, and when to start from scratch.

There are no prerequisites to attend this talk. This session is intended for designers, beginner WordPress users, bloggers and anyone looking to profit from designing WordPress websites.

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Top Tips to Trigger Traffic

Presented by Chrissie Pollock in Marketing.

Want to draw people to your website? Simple changes can make a big difference in your site’s popularity. Discover ways to attract readers by tweaking your content structure, fine-tuning visuals, and maximize WordPress sharing tools. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that isn’t subject to the whims of algorithm changes by employing the best plugins and learning how to keep your writing strong. You’ve got great content, now it’s time to share it with others effectively.

This presentation is perfect for beginner bloggers, and it can also benefit those who have had a site for years.

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Travailler localement avec Vagrant

Presented by Nick Adams in Code.

Cette session est pour les développeurs WordPress débutants et expérimentés qui veulent apprendre à développer localement plutôt que sur un serveur en ligne. Je vais couvrir les raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez développer localement, ce qu’est Vagrant, comment l’installer (étape par étape), la façon d’installer WordPress sur Vagrant, comment y accéder et modifier votre site localement et comment migrer un site de Vagrant à un serveur en ligne.

It would be helpful for attendees to know how to install WordPress, but not required. This talk is for beginner to advanced level WordPress designers and developers who want to learn how to work on sites or develop themes or plugins locally before publishing to a live server.

Conférence en français.

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Typography, Web Fonts, and Your Site

Presented by Jennifer Ecker in UX.

Let’s talk fonts! We’ll take a brief look at the history of fonts on the web and best practices for typography. You’ll learn about some of the top font services available as well as methods and tools for implementing the right font for your WordPress site. Whether you prefer to work with plugins, theme options, or manual edits to the theme, you’ll walk away with some options for adding shiny new fonts to your site.

This talk is for anyone who wants to learn some basics about typography and get an overview of the various methods available for adding custom fonts to their WordPress site. From advanced coders to beginning bloggers, a wide audience can benefit from learning typography principles and best practices. Folks curious on how to modify fonts on their WP site will learn the options available for customizing at any comfort level.

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Use Content Marketing to Better Reach Your Ideal Audience

Presented by Brian Rotsztein in Marketing.

Content marketing is an effective way to increase readership, personal branding as a blogger, corporate brand awareness, search engine visibility, social media networking, and sales. Whether you’re using WordPress for blogging or to run your business website, two aspects must be understood to get the most out of it. These include the creation of appropriate content and second, making sure it reaches your target audience. During this session, attendees will discover key concepts and learn important tactics which they can implement right away to reach their ideal audience. Find out who wants to consume your content and how to beat the competition at figuring it out. Topics such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing will also be discussed. Relevant plugins and other online tools will be highlighted.

Some Internet marketing knowledge would be useful.

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Why the Plumber Always Wins

Presented by Luca Sartoni in Theming.

You never discuss rates with a plumber. You never try to pay them in visibility. You would never let your 13 years old cousin fix your leaking pipes. But your clients do that all the times with you. My presentation analyses why this happens and how a WordPress consultant can become a better marketer, more professional, more profitable.

It will be the natural evolution of my last year’s presentation about elements of growth. The presentation targets all the WordPress Freelance who are in thre professional market.

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WordCamp Picnic/Pique-nique

Presented by Shannon Smith in Social.

Picnic lunch at Mount Royal Park. Bring your lunch and meet us between the gazebo and the George-Étienne Cartier Monument. Kids welcome. A WordCamp ticket is not required for this event.

Sunday June 28 11:30-14:00

WordPress Accessibility – The Fundamentals of Web Accessibility

Presented by Jordan Quintal in Theming.

The focus of my presentation will be on WordPress and website accessibility; from a front-end perspective. First, I will explain what web accessibility is and why it is important. To continue, I will discuss AODA and Section 508 regulations for Canada and the United States. Then, I will go over some key WCAG 2.0 compliancy requirements a developer will need to ensure the websites they develop are fully accessible. From there, I will showcase a few web accessibility tools, then some WordPress accessibility plugins; followed by a quick demonstration on how to evaluate a website’s accessibility.

Web development knowledge, WordPress knowledge.

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WordPress Customizer: For Themes and More

Presented by Rick Radko in Code.

In WordPress 4.1 the “Theme Customizer” was changed to the “Customizer” with the intent that it could be used as the interface for any WordPress settings. Very few plugin authors, or even custom theme authors, are taking advantage of this built in options panel. Through some examples, we see how easy it is to use the Customizer API to add settings/options to WordPress for themes, plugins (or anything).

Some understanding of WordPress actions/filters, php and javascript.

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WordPress Design Trends

Presented by Mel Choyce in UX.

What does the current WordPress design landscape look like? What are popular and upcoming design trends to look out for? We’ll take a look at the current WordPress design ecosystem and explore how it’s projected to change in the next year.

An interest in design! The talk is open to people of all levels of experience, but it’s going to be less of a lecture and more of a show-and-tell. It won’t teach you how to design, but it will give you a lot of examples of modern design built on and for WordPress and some of the really cool things WordPress can do.

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WordPress for Beginners

Presented by Elida Arrizza in Workshops.

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

This workshop is an encouraging experience intended for those who want to get their feet wet with WordPress. It is also a great preparation for WP newbies who are attending WordCamp for the first time.
We will start with the “musts” through hands-on demos and walkthroughs:
  • The WordPress installation process
  • Best practices before and after installing.
  • WordPress semantics, intro of the dashboard and basic features.
We will then focus on how to continue your newly found WordPress skills on your own:
  • What to expect at WordCamp and how to make the most of it.
  • Learning resources and ways to get help
  • Inspiration for what explore afterwards

No code knowledge required. Laptop if you want to participate. WIFI will be provided.

This is a hands-on workshop. A special ticket to this event is required. Space is limited.

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WP-CLI: Save Time by Managing WordPress from the Command Line

Presented by Shawn Hooper in Code.

WP-CLI is a set of command line tools for managing your WordPress site. It allows you to perform many tasks much quicker than you would be able to by other means. In this session, I will teach you how to get WP-CLI running, and show some of my favourite time saving features. Once you’ve started using WP-CLI, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

This talk is appropriate for developers, designers and server administrators of all skill levels.

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