
WooCommerce is the fastest growing eCommerce software/platform, powering over 30% of all eCommerce stores with over 1 million active installations. It is is built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, making it the obvious eCommerce choice for existing WordPress users and connects you to the fast-growing WordPress ecosystem which now powers over 25% of all websites on the internet.
With WooCommerce you can start with all the basic tools that any small business would need to start selling online, including product setup, payments, shipping options, and sales reports and as your business grows choose from over 300 premium add-ons available including additional payment processors, shipping methods, inventory systems and marketing tools anyone to sell anything, anywhere from real products and digital downloads to subscriptions, content and even your time.
In July 2015, WooCommerce was acquired by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com which serves more than 15.8 billion pages a month and also the creators of other popular WordPress services including Akismet, Jetpack, and VaultPress. We look forward to growing WooCommerce to achieve even greater things together with Automattic.

Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at jetpack.com.

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.

With hundreds of domain extensions, no heavy-handed upselling and best-in-class support, Hover makes it easy to spend less time on your domains and more time on your big idea.

BoldGrid is a website builder powered by WordPress. It is a free set of WordPress plugins, themes, and other content that allows site creation and management similar to non-WordPress website builders. By placing WordPress more in line with DIY site builder solutions on the market, our mission is not only to make WordPress more accessible and easy for beginners to utilize, but also automate and streamline typical WordPress tasks to provide a fast, creator-friendly platform that even web professionals will appreciate.
Experience WordPress as a website builder, including: free pre-built themes, drag and drop editing, integrated image banks, simplified photo editing, built-in staging, automated backups, and so much more.
BoldGrid will have you creating professional looking WordPress sites in minutes!

The website management platform for Drupal & WordPress, Pantheon provides web teams with the hosting, cloud-based developer tools, and scalable infrastructure needed to run awesome websites. Serving billions of pageviews a month for over 100,000 websites, Pantheon’s container-based infrastructure allows you to launch websites faster, without worrying about traffic spikes, security or performance. It’s free in development. Create your free account now!

GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business.

DreamHost is a global Web hosting and cloud services provider with over 350,000 customers and 1.2 million blogs, websites and apps hosted. The company offers a wide spectrum of Web hosting and cloud services including Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Dedicated Server Hosting, Domain Name Registration, the cloud storage service, DreamObjects, and the cloud computing service DreamCompute. More information can be found at http://dreamhost.com.

Plesk simplifies web management activities to align with the way infrastructure is used today for hosting websites and web applications. A widely used web management solution, Plesk provides everything a web professional needs to set up a website quickly and securely – including a WordPress Toolkit, an easy-to-navigate control panel, server level automation, supportability tools, and complete protection with our server-to-site security core.

WPML permet aux utilisateurs de tout traduire sur leur site, dont les contenus, les menus, les widgets et même les textes provenant des thèmes ou des extensions. WPML est déjà installé sur plus de 500 000 sites commerciaux partout dans le monde.
Pour savoir comment rendre votre site multilingue, consultez WPML.org.
Nous recherchons également des talents. Si vous êtes un astucieux développeur, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici : http://wpml.org/home/were-hiring/.
LinkNow! Media

LinkNow est la conception d’un site web , SEO, SEM et entreprise d’hébergement offrant une variété de solutions de sites Web et de marketing pour les petites et les grandes entreprises . Notre but principale et de mettre nos clients en ligne rapidement avec agitation minimale et des résultats maximale. Nous adoptons une approche sérieuse à la présence en ligne . En mettant l’importance sur l’aide aux marché des entreprises locales à leurs clients potentiels , nous sommes certains d’avoir une solution qui répond aux besoins particuliers de votre entreprise.
Nous fournissons des réponses innovantes à ceux qui pose la question : «Ceci est mon budget . Comment puis-je tirer le plus de mon site Web? »
Notre société est fondée sur une politique pas de contrat. Nous voulons que nos clients restent avec nous grâce à l’ excellent service , pas en raison d’être obligé
par un contrat .
Être en ligne, à temps et à un prix raisonnable : LinkNow

DécodeMTL est une école de développement web basé à Montréal. En tant qu’étudiant, vous apprendrez comment utiliser les technologies Web modernes pour créer des applications et des sites Web. Nos diplômés travaillent pour certaines des plus grandes entreprises de technologie à Montréal.
Pour plus d’informations sur notre bootcamp à temps plein ou nos cours a temps- partiel, visitez www.decodemtl.com/fr.
Concordia University John Molson School of Business

Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB) is one of the leading business schools in the country. Committed to academic excellence, JMSB provides an engaging learning and research environment that inspires us to go beyond the commonplace for the development of business and society.
AACSB-accredited since 1997, JMSB offers programs at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. The school’s internationally-renowned faculty members are constantly pushing the boundaries of business research and its experiential learning programs give students real-world experience that complements what they learn in class. The school’s state-of-the-art facilities are housed in the LEED silver-certified John Molson Building, the dynamic green centre of Concordia University’s downtown campus.
Desaulniers Simard

À titre individuel, nous sommes actives dans la communauté WordPress locale depuis plus de 5 ans chacune. Il y a deux ans, nous avons fondé notre agence, Desaulniers Simard. Nous « faisons du WordPress », bien sûr, mais aussi du WooCommerce, de la formation et du conseil. Le conseil, c’est le temps que nous passons avec nos clientes avant de débuter un projet, temps qui nous permet de mieux définir celui-ci et, parfois, d’en diminuer l’étendue et les coûts. Nous croyons que ce qui nous distingue, c’est notre parti pris pour la transparence, l’inclusion, la collaboration et la satisfaction du travail bien fait. Nous choisissons nos clientes et nos collaboratrices pour travailler ensemble à la réalisation de projets gratifiants pour toutes et tous.
Dawson centre for training and development

As part of its mission to promote lifelong learning, CTD extends the resources of Dawson College to adult students through professional development and personal enrichment opportunities. Its wide selection of offerings addresses the needs of individual adult learners who seek personal and/or professional growth.
- Computer & Technology
- Emploi-Québec de l’île-de-Montréal Subsidized Courses
- General & Professional Interests
- Languages
- Photography
- Tutorial for the OQLF French Exam
We are also proud to include in our portfolio a selection of cultural activities and Chinese language courses offered by the Confucius Institute in Quebec.

StickerGiant prints high-quality stickers and labels. They have the best customer service, quick turnaround times and free custom shapes using state of the art laser cutting. Every sticker has a story. Want to share your story today? They’re waiting to hear from you.
Solutions Awaken inc.
Solutions Awaken inc. est une société de conception web offrant une expertise technique avec une touche humaine. Nous travaillons avec chaque client comme un partenaire, en nous assurant que leurs besoins sont bien compris, que les différentes solutions sont clairement proposées, et que les résultats dépassent les attentes.
Jeremy Clarke, Earthling Web Developer
Jeremy Clarke is an earthling developer from Montreal and he can write whatever he wants with his hundred words, like how being vegetarian just means you don’t eat dead bodies, how it’s possible to be an atheist about Yahweh but remain agnostic about Thor and most importantly how the only way we can improve this world is by loving each other and giving each other a chance.
Vous souhaitez devenir commanditaire?
Les entreprises désirant se faire connaître dans le monde du web, surtout auprès des experts WordPress, on accès à une façon idéale de se rapprocher de ceux-ci tout en participant à un évènement de qualité. Les noms et liens des commanditaires seront affichés sur le site Web de WordCamp Montréal dans la colonne de droite, et plus de détail sur leur entreprise sera disponible sur la page des commanditaires. Les logos seront ajoutés à notre site au niveau aluminum et supérieur. Nous ajouterons également votre logo sur notre matériel imprimé au niveau argent et supérieur.