Session: Donner un accès admin au client?
Mon premier blog WordPress était une pollution visuelle (on commence tous quelque part!) alimentée dès 2008. Les études m’ont menées à une carrière en communication, où j’ai appris les règles de l’art du blog sous WordPress, puis en intégration Web où je me suis vraiment amusée à opérer WordPress à coeur ouvert. J’ai fait le saut entre la vie d’agence et la pige où je développe maintenant de solutions Web sous WordPress pour des clients d’un peu partout.
Session: Go With the Flow: Boost your efficiency with a development workflow
Ann started using WordPress several years ago when she quickly needed to get a site up and running. Realizing that she would need to get ‘under the hood’ in order to make some of the changes she had in mind, Ann quickly became hooked and hasn’t looked back since. She now teaches students how to use WordPress and build and customize their first themes, as well as how to use Git both for version control and as a tool to deploy and share their sites with the world. She is also a regular mentor a Ladies Learning Code events.
Session: Breathe, move, and be happy! 15 minutes to make the most of your WordCamp
For 20 years, Anna has been exploring the fascinating connection between body and mind through the daily practice of conscious sounds and movements. In 2012, she created Kinéson, a « yoga for voice and body », in order to offer an integrated experience of all the elements that fuel her practice : Gaiayoga, Brain Gym®, integrated and archetype movements, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, Hatha Yoga, PneumacorpsMD Respiratory Relaxation… She teaches in France, Germany, Japan and Montreal (WordCamp 2015, 2017). The simple and powerful exercises that she uses everyday also help her in her work as a translator specialized in self-help and wellness, and her exploration of WordPress.
Session: Submitting, maintaining and growing a plugin on
Hello! I’m the creator of several free/premium plugins, author of several courses including Working with WordPress and JavaScript and Plugins for Beginners, former lead organizer of WordCamp Hamilton, and co-host of the Selling Plugins Podcast. You can find me online for all the things at
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