Présentation des conférenciers : Myriam Jessier, Neha Patel, Quentin Clarenne, et Rafael Scapin

Myriam Jessier

Myriam is a digital marketing consultant in Montreal. She likes long romantic walks to the fridge, technical SEO and dinosaurs. After more than a decade as an SEO, she’s been encouraged to share her knowledge.

Session: Technical SEO for WordPress Dev (and Other Code Tinkerers)

Neha Patel

As I grow and learn more It has become evident that with the power of technology and the online media we can make great things happen. My Goal is to empower women and the young generation with the strength of online tools and resources, to make their lives better, to make their voice heard and to fight for the right cause. I am a Web Developer, Digital Marketer and a Mentor for kids and adults at non profit organizations like Ladies learning code and For us girls.

Session: Rich Snippets What They Are and How to Add Them to Your Website

Quentin Clarenne

Près de 12 ans d’expérience dans la conception/maintenance de sites et d’infrastructure WEB. La sécurité, performance et référencement ont toujours étés des points importants afin de trouver la perfection !

Session: Comment optimiser au mieux WordPress pour le référencement?

Rafael Scapin

I work at Dawson College in Montreal as the Coordinator of Educational Technology. I’ve taught “Intro to WordPress” and “How to Create an Online Store Using WordPress” here for our Continuing Education department for 5 years. I am also passionate about open and free software. I am the current president and one of the co-founders of the Association for the Development of Technology in Education (, a non-profit organization devoted to fostering the development of Educational Technology in Quebec.

Session: Intro to WordPress: How to Start WordPressing in 30 Min

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WordCamp Montréal 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!