Developing with WordPress, the JAMstack way

Let’s talk about the future of WordPress by starting with the past. Specifically, the challenge to learn JavaScript Deeply and why I believe it’s still our biggest opportunity.

We’ll also discuss the JAMstack, a modern web development approach using JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. It sounds new, but in fact, WordPress has been doing this since the first Gutenberg block!

Join me as I demonstrate using this approach with concepts related to Gutenberg, the WordPress REST API, the role of accessibility, voice as an interface, and more.

This session welcomes all WordCamp attendees whether you’re a seasoned developer or new the community. It’s designed to inspire and set the stage for what’s possible.

Can Gutenberg do that?

A highly interactive session with tons of examples of Gutenberg features and how some of our beloved plugins can interact with it.

Theming for Gutenberg: How to adapt your theme for the new editor

WordPress 5 gives themers more control over the appearance of content and provides us with tools, both new and familiar, that allow us to integrate our theme with the new Gutenberg editor. This practical presentation will demonstrate how to extend a theme or child-theme for the content editing experience, an approach to theming blocks and taking advantage of Gutenberg’s features, and offer an example workflow using Vagrant and VVV for local development and Sass for structuring and generating CSS files. This presentation will also address the case where a site is using both Gutenberg and the Classic Editor plugin. Code examples used in the presentation will be published to GitHub.

WordCamp Montreal 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!