Hello monde! WordPress and Internationalization

This talk will cover everything you need to know about translating WordPress core, plugins and themes. Starting with the basics of getting a localized WordPress install running, Zé and Paolo will discuss the status of translations on WordPress.com and .org, they’ll explain what GlotPress is and why you need to know about it and they’ll point you to resources like the Polyglots blog and Codex where you can learn more.
Digging deeper, they’ll explain how you can make your plugins and themes translateable by others and how you can help make GlotPress even better. Finally they’ll cover some of the options available for multilingual sites and go over some tips examples and best practices for all of the above.

For intermediate developers (just starting a theme or plugin for instance) and users in general.

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About Paolo and Zé

Paolo Belcastro (Happiness Engineer at Automattic) first studied mathematics and physics, finally graduated as a photographer at ENS Louis Lumière in Paris, but fell in love with the web in 1994 and hasn’t looked back. He is currently engineering happiness from the shores of Lake Geneva where he lives with his family and cats.

Zé Fontainhas (Outernationalist at Automattic) initially convinced that he was applying for a drumming gig with The Dave Matthews Band, Zé landed at Automattic after a long time spent trying to solve people’s WordPress-related problems in five continents and as many languages. Since he grew up in Portugal, Angola and Belgium, went to school and worked in Austria and the U.S., and one of his daughters is American, he gets where most people are coming from. He’s still trying to figure out what any one of his three daughters wants, though.