
Saturday, August 12 2017

Beautiful Web Type

Presented by Mel Choyce in Design, SatelliteWP Room.

With the rapid popularization of web fonts over the past few years, type on the web has never been more exciting! We’ll learn a bit about basic typographic principles, review techniques and services for integrating web fonts into your WordPress sites, and finally conclude with a bit of speculation on where type on the web is heading.

Cinq façons d’utiliser la vidéo dans sa stratégie marketing

Presented by Andrea Zoellner in 2.210 Second Floor, Lightning Talks.

Présentement, la vidéo est le médium le plus tendance en marketing. Il s’agit aussi d’un des types de contenu les plus dispendieux à créer. Dans cette présentation, je vais donner cinq exemples rapides de façons efficaces d’ajouter la vidéo à sa stratégie marketing, peu importe son budget.

Conquérir le World Wide WordPress

Presented by Emilie Lebrun in 2.210 Second Floor, General.

Quand on commence sur WordPress, on peut penser parfois qu’on a pas le niveau nécessaire. Et encore plus quand on est une femme, ou qu’on a peu de connaissance technique. Qui ne s’est pas senti intimidé au point de ne pas oser se lancer dans des métiers du web, sur WordPress ni aller à un WordCamp ?
Syndrome de l’imposteur, ou plafond de verre, de nombreux freins invisibles nous empêchent parfois de faire ce que l’on souhaite réellement.

Comment trouver sa place dans la communauté WordPress, par où commencer ? A travers mon histoire personnelle et ce que j’ai observé depuis 3 ans, je souhaite partager mon expérience, mes conseils et aider à se lancer toutes celles et ceux qui n’osent pas le faire.

Delightful Dashboards: Customizing the WordPress admin experience

Presented by Dara Skolnick in Code, S2.210 basement.

When making a WordPress website you spend lots of time getting the front end just right — find out how to make your client even happier by making the admin side just as great! You’ll learn how to customize the WordPress admin visually, tweak the TinyMCE editor, add custom fields and post types, create documentation, edit dashboard widgets, add options pages, and more. By the end of this talk, you’ll walk away with a bunch of ideas about how to make your WordPress websites even easier for your clients to use.

Demystifying HTML: An introduction for bloggers

Presented by Lucas Cherkewski in Code, S2.210 basement.

HTML: for those of us who aren’t comfortable with code, we may have shied away from it in the past. Maybe you’ve seen it when you click the text/HTML tab in the WordPress editor, but quickly clicked back to the visual mode. Whatever your familiarity with HTML, we’ll use this talk to break down some of your fears. You’ll learn what HTML is, how it’s used, and why it’s worth learning. Together, we’ll see that HTML isn’t too bad at all—that it’s actually a powerful tool to help us better our websites. By the end, you’ll be familiar with HTML and know where to go to learn more.


Développeurs et designers UX doivent être #BFF

Presented by Claudel Rheault in 2.210 Second Floor, Design.

La conférence présenterais les enjeux et la pertinence d’une collaboration entre UX designer et développeurs. En utilisant le case study d’un projet entièrement réalisé avec wordpress, nous présenterons les plugins utilisés, les challenges rencontrés et comment notre collaboration dès la première journée aura permis d’anticiper les problèmes tant du côté dev que du côté client.

Évaluation et budgétisation de projet avec l’approche de modélisation d’usage.

Presented by Élise Desaulniers in 2.210 Second Floor, Business.

Vous est-il déjà arrivé de rencontrer un client qui veut un site qui fait « tout » ? D’assister à des conflits entre les différents départements qui veulent tous leur section du site ? D’avoir du mal à arrimer les besoins avec le budget ?

Le processus de « modélisation d’usage » est traditionnellement utilisée dans le développement de logiciel pour définir le Produit minimum viable (Minimum viable product ou MVP). Elle permet de recenser et prioriser des scénarios d’utilisation et des priorités d’affaires et s’avère extrêmement efficace pour planifier un site Web.

J’ai utilisé cette approche des dizaines de fois pour aider des clients à structurer leurs besoins, les prioriser et faire les évaluations budgétaires de projets. Dans cette séance, on apprendra à utiliser le processus de modélisation d’usage à l’aide d’exemples concrets.

Diapositives Template

Exploring the case for serverless WordPress

Presented by Max Kovalenkov in Lightning Talks, S2.210 basement.

A WordPress install that’s ultra-secure, lightning-fast, and near-infinitely scalable?.. What?! Turns out there’s a service to give us just that: Shifter. We will explore what it’s all about, its pros and cons, as well as possible use cases for it.

P.S.: I’m not affiliated with Shifter in any way.


F******k Instant Articles: How do they work?

Presented by Jer Clarke in Code, S2.210 basement.

Do you love hot, fresh trends in web publishing technology? Dream of implementing proprietary API’s and hitching your site to commercial entities over which you have no control? Get soft in the knees thinking about your web site being read without the web being involved? Me neither, but we have to do it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Facebook Instant Articles make your posts show up lightning fast for mobile Facebook users in exchange for handing over some control. Users love it, it looks great and ultimately you still use WordPress to create and publish content. The problem: It’s a pain in the butt to get it set up, the documentation is half-hearted and the whole concept is mind-bending.

This talk will walk you through all the headaches iA gave me and help you avoid having them yourself while you get set up. We’ll cover the concepts behind iA, nuances of the Automattic iA for WP plugin, and how to make the most of the tools on offer in the plugin to make sure all your posts get delivered to your Facebook readers “instantly”.


From zero to launch: A walk-through of the website process

Presented by Lisa Ghisolf in General, SatelliteWP Room.

I’ll share my step-by-step process (honed since the days of just HTML) for WordPress website creation or redesign. We’ll touch on content audits, theme selection (or should you go custom?), launch checklists, and post-launch care. Also freelancer or client management.

Great for those who want to launch or relaunch their sites and those who work with clients.


How WordPress Will Change Your Life

Presented by Brian Rotsztein in General, S2.210 basement.

WordPress is software like no other. Businesses harness its versatility. Creative skills are mastered with it. It unifies individuals from diverse backgrounds. Yet to so many, it remains “just” software. As a blogger, web designer, marketer, educator, and entrepreneur since long before its existence, I’ve watched it grow into a worldwide phenomenon. My own path to success is intertwined with a decade of WordPress use. Clearly, there’s more to this software than just a free install. Discover how WordPress will completely change your personal and business life for the better, if you let it! This is an introduction to my concept of The WordPress Lifestyle (#wplife) which is all about community. It goes far beyond merely using WordPress to support one’s livelihood. It includes education, inspiration, art, experiences, relationships, and so much more.

La gestion de plusieurs installations WordPress.

Presented by Stéphane D’Astous in 2.210 Second Floor, Code.

Dans cette courte présentation, je ferai le survol des méthodes les plus efficaces pour maintenir et administrer plusieurs sites WordPress et économiser du temps. Installation multiple d’une même copie, mise à jour, synchronisation des comptes membres.

Little Things Make a Big Difference

Presented by Michelle Ames in General, SatelliteWP Room.

So you can build a technically wonderful website, but does it appeal to your audience? Does it have finesse? Who is it designed for: the owner, the designer/developer, or the customer/user? Are forms user-friendly? This talk will show you the things that make a website more complete, user-friendly, and user-appealing. Topics will include favicons, custom 404 pages, form buttons, footers, colors, SSL certificates, and more.


Lookin’ for some hot stuff? Website Design Trends for 2017

Presented by Elana Rudick in Design, SatelliteWP Room.

This talk is all about the hottest website design trends. The goal is to help users of all abilities gain insight into what’s popular in web today to help them improve the visual aesthetics of their own WordPress sites. I’ll go through current design trends, citing real-world applications and specifically how these trends (from simple to more elaborate) can be applied to help participants create beautiful WordPress sites.

Move Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind: 12.45 – 1.15pm, basement in front of Subway

Presented by Anna Takahashi in 2.210 Second Floor, S2.210 basement, SatelliteWP Room.

Do you know that there are movements that help you hear better, that increase you capacity to understand and assimilate what you learn? So in addition to your lunch, I offer you a 30 minute active-break to give your afternoon the best possible start, and make the most of your WordCamp experience. Super easy and fun exercises that you can keep on using every day 🙂

Organizing Your Content – Pages, Posts, Categories and Tags

Presented by Al Davis in General, SatelliteWP Room.

In this session, attendees will learn how and when to use Pages vs Posts and how to organize their posts using Categories and Tags.


Panel: Contributing to WordPress

Presented by Kathryn Presner, Yannick Lefebvre, Miriam Goldman, Mel Choyce in General, SatelliteWP Room.

Did you know WordPress is made of people? It’s true – and you can be one of them too! Join us for an open discussion about how to get started contributing to open source software. We’ll cover the different teams found on, share our tips on how we got started, and hopefully inspire you to consider starting too.

Passwords, Attacks, and Security Oh My!

Presented by Michele Butcher-Jones in General, SatelliteWP Room.

Learning about WordPress Security can leave you feeling overwhelmed but you don’t have to. We will talk best practices and simple steps to keep your site safe and secure. From secure passwords, to security plugins, to what to do when you have been hacked, we will discuss it all.

Plugin Development Demystified

Presented by Yannick Lefebvre in Code, S2.210 basement.

For many WordPress users, even seasoned PHP developers, creating new plugins for WordPress seems like a daunting task. This presentation aims to show attendees how simple creating plugins for WordPress from the ground up can be by looking at the architecture of a WordPress plugin, from the basic concepts of registering actions and filters to more advanced concepts such as the creation of admin pages and registering shortcodes.


Plugins and You: Finding that perfect plugin

Presented by Miriam Goldman in S2.210 basement.

Finding the right plugins, and navigating through the large library can be hard. Come and hear about some personal tips and tricks I’ve found to make the selection easier. I’ll recommend some plugins based on what you need – and discuss the advantages of a paid plugin rather than just free.


Pourquoi je m’en fous de PageSpeed, et vous devriez aussi

Presented by Rémy Perona in 2.210 Second Floor, General.

La vitesse de chargement d’un site est très importante, mais les outils de mesure sont souvent trompeurs. Dans cette présentation, je souhaite démystifier les croyances autour de PageSpeed, GTMetrix, etc. En expliquant pourquoi leur système de score n’a pas d’importance, quelles sont les recommandations à suivre et comment les mettre en oeuvre sur son site WordPress pour réellement optimiser son temps de chargement.


Preparing a Plugin for Translation

Presented by Brian Hogg in Code, S2.210 basement.

You have a plugin, but you want users to be able to use it in their native language. Learn how to get it ready for translation, things to watch out for, and tips for maintaining it as you change the plugin over time.

Rédaction SEO? Rédaction tout court!

Presented by Valérie Auclair in 2.210 Second Floor.

La « rédaction SEO » provoque bien des cauchemars chez les blogueurs. Pourtant, un bon texte mène automatiquement à un bon SEO! J’explique les 4 attentes des lecteurs de blogues en les liant aux éléments de base de rédaction d’un texte. Objectifs : démystifier le méchant SEO et remettre la rédaction au cœur des préoccupations des blogueurs!

Diapositives VS lequel choisir?

Presented by Kaylynne Johnson in 2.210 Second Floor, General.

T’as rassemblé ton matériel, t’as élaboré ton arborescence et tu t’es gossé un header dans Canva: t’es prête à monter ton site WordPress! Tu te rends sur Google, tu tapes WordPress dans la barre de recherche et là tu te rends compte que tu as deux choix: ou… Lequel choisir??

D’abord, c’est quoi WordPress? Comment ça marche? Quelles sont les composantes essentielles pour utiliser Quelles sont les différences entre et Comment savoir quelle solution répondra le mieux à tes besoins? Pas de panique! Viens voir ma conférence, on va démystifier ça!

Mon atelier s’adresse principalement aux débutants, mais également aux utilisateurs intermédiaires et avancés de WordPress qui s’interrogent sur la façon dont peut être utilisé dans la cadre de leur pratique et dans quels cas il s’agit d’une solution envisageable.

Sunday, August 13 2017

All About Images

Presented by Mike Dickson in 2.210 Second Floor, General.

This talk aims to pull back the curtain on how WordPress wrangles images behind the scenes. Topics include
– intro to the media library
– what formats are supported
– where images are stored / why you should sort by date
– what WP does with uploaded images
– derived intermediate sizes
– inserting images individually
– inserting as a gallery
– adaptive images in wp
– what “regenerating thumbnails” does
– questions

Article publié, je fais quoi maintenant?

Presented by Jennifer Doré Dallas in Marketing, S2.210 basement.

Conseils et astuces pour dynamiser et marketer auprès du lectorat l’article publié. Façons de le faire voir par plus de gens, conserver le lecteur sur notre site plus longtemps/à long terme et de faire revivre cet article pour qu’il reste evergreen.

Bloguez plus, bloguez mieux : maîtrisez les principes de l’écriture web

Presented by Tatiana St-Louis in General, S2.210 basement.

Vous avez décidé de vous lancer à pieds joints dans l’écriture d’un blogue? Excellente nouvelle! Mais tandis que plusieurs y voient un moyen facile de rejoindre un large public, peu sont versés dans l’art de bien communiquer sur le web. Quelle longueur de texte adopter? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques en termes de SEO? Y a-t-il un style à préconiser pour agripper l’attention du lecteur? Cette conférence vise à présenter aux blogueurs novices les bonnes pratiques en matière d’écriture web.


Boost your website analytics with Event tracking

Presented by Daphnée Laforest in Code, SatelliteWP Room.

Better data enables better decision making, and it begins with how you track it – to provide more context to what’s already out there. Event tracking is a feature of Google Analytics that allows site owners to trace actions on their site, even when a URL change is not recorded. Instead of only tracking page views, Event Tracking is a method available in the ga.js tracking code that you can use to record user interaction with website elements, such as a button click on your website. This is accomplished by attaching the method call to the particular UI element you want to track. During this session, you will learn how you can boost your WordPress website analytic using Event Tracking.

Comment créer une stratégie numérique pour un site Web qui aura de l’impact

Presented by Bernard Prince in Marketing, S2.210 basement.

Avec plus d’un milliard de sites disponibles (dont 25% sont en WordPress), il ne suffit plus de mettre quelque chose en ligne en y ajoutant des mots clés pour performer dans l’univers numérique. Avec plusieurs ressources et outils que vous pourrez ensuite utiliser (inspirés entre autres des Startup Weekends), nous verrons comment bien identifier vos objectifs d’affaires, les clients à cibler et comment mesurer le succès en ligne. Nous pourrons ensuite voir comment créer une structure de site adapté et un référencement Web qui rejoindra les bonnes personnes. Bref, vous aurez en main ce qu’il faut pour créer le plan d’affaire de votre site Web!


Comment vendre vos compétences WordPress plus cher que vos compétiteurs ?

Presented by Maxime Jobin in Business, S2.210 basement.

Dans un monde où des “experts” de WordPress sont disponibles sur Fiverr pour 5$, y a-t-il de l’argent à faire avec WordPress ? Avoir les compétences est une chose n’est pas suffisant. Est-ce possible, dans l’économie globale dans laquelle nous vivons, de les vendre à un prix plus élevé que la concurence ? La réponse est: oui. Cette présentation vous montrera comment.


Death of the Media Query

Presented by Saied Abbasi in 2.210 Second Floor, Code.

We’ve all been there. Your site looks beautiful on mobile, tablet, and desktop but 768 pixels to 900 pixels is a disaster. Creating a truly responsive website experience goes beyond using bootstrap. Frontend Developers consistently find themselves creating elaborate sets of Media Queries that are time consuming to create and difficult to maintain.

This talk will explore browser-compatible innovations in CSS that you should start employing in place of Media Queries. The end result will save time and create more adaptive web experiences.

We will explore practical use cases for the calc() function, Flexbox, and Mozilla’s CSS Grid.

Getting Started with Multilingual Websites on WordPress

Presented by Karl Hudson Phillips in General, SatelliteWP Room.

Launching a multilingual website might sound ambitious, but it’s well within your grasp, especially with WordPress. Implementing a multilingual WordPress website can expand your reach exponentially if you implement it correctly.

During this talk, we’ll cover a few options to accomplish the task, go over a few items you’ll need to consider, and go through a quick demo and/or case study.

Takeaways include: Why one should (or shouldn’t) consider making a site multilingual; the various options for making a site multilingual, what’s involved, the pros and cons; additional items to consider (plugin compatibility, SEO, etc)


How to Determine the Effectiveness of a Theme Before Using It

Presented by Neha Patel in 2.210 Second Floor, General.

When it comes to choosing a theme, you have to consider many options as a site owner.

A Good Theme can mean a lot of things, from site speed to site performance and User Interface which in turn is directly affecting your UX, website health and user engagement.

This session is designed to give you an overview on how to determine if a theme will be effective based on a series of factors that will create an overall positive experience for your website visitors.


Move Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind: 12.25 – 12.55pm, basement in front of Subway

Presented by Anna Takahashi in 2.210 Second Floor, S2.210 basement, SatelliteWP Room.

Do you know that there are movements that help you hear better, that increase you capacity to understand and assimilate what you learn? So in addition to your lunch, I offer you a 30 minute active-break to give your afternoon the best possible start, and make the most of your WordCamp experience. Super easy and fun exercises that you can keep on using every day 🙂

Move Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind: 9.25 – 9.55am, basement in front of Subway

Presented by Anna Takahashi in 2.210 Second Floor, S2.210 basement, SatelliteWP Room.

Do you know that there are movements that help you hear better, that increase you capacity to understand and assimilate what you learn? So in addition to your coffee, I offer you a 30 minute active-break to give your day the best possible start, and make the most of your WordCamp experience. Super easy and fun exercises that you can keep on using every day 🙂

Oooh, Shiny! All the new CSS toys for WordPress Theme Development

Presented by Shannon Smith in 2.210 Second Floor, Code.

Check out all newest things that CSS can bring to WordPress theme development: CSS Filters, Feature Queries, Native Mixins, Grid Layout, Native Variables, and more. Learn how they work and when to use them.


Our Hybrid Future: WordPress As Part Of The Stack

Presented by Josh Pollock in 2.210 Second Floor, Code.

WordPress has grown from blogging tool, to flexible CMS to an application platform. As the web development world embraces micro-services, how does WordPress, which is normally implemented as a monolithic solution fit in and evolve? In this talk, I will look at what makes WordPress a good choice for application development, as well as where it is lacking. To put these questions in context, this talk will be framed around a case-study of a hybrid web app, built using WordPress and other tools including VueJS, Laravel and Amazon Web Services.

Panel: WordPress Business Advice

Presented by Christie Chirinos, Tom Hartman, Erin Blaskie, Jennifer Doré Dallas, Brian Rotsztein in Business, SatelliteWP Room.

This is a panel discussion meant to help anyone (such as freelancers, content creators, and small business owners) with questions about WordPress-related business issues.

Pirates des CMS

Presented by Maxime Jobin, Jean-François Arseneault in General, S2.210 basement.

Votre site est lent depuis un bon moment et vous ne savez tout simplement pas quoi faire. Ce matin, en vous rendant sur votre site, celui-ci n’affiche tout simplement plus. Vous contactez votre hébergeur pour vous rendre compte que votre site web a été piraté. Ayayaye! La journée commence bien mal….

Ce scénario qui semble irréaliste se produit chaque jour. Ne soyez pas la prochaine victime.

Cette démonstration utilisera un véritable site WordPress hébergé sur le web, et le site sera “mal conçu”, “non-optimisé”, “non-sécurisé”, piraté, alouette!

Venez nous aider à sauver un site web de sa terrible situation et surtout, vous préparer à ce que ça ne vous arrive jamais.


Plugins for Better Social Sharing

Presented by Christina Varro in Marketing, SatelliteWP Room.

Great content takes a long time to create, sharing it on your social platforms shouldn’t! This talk compares several popular WordPress plugins for content scheduling and automating social media posting. It will also cover other useful, non-WordPress services to help create beautiful social graphics, build your blog following, link your social accounts and automate your efforts.

The audience will walk away with a list of free (and low cost) tools they can use to:

  • create a content calendar
  • build their mailing list and automatically share posts to social platforms
  • knowledge of other services to enhance the look of their social posts


Practical accessibility for inclusive web

Presented by Sasha Endoh in General, SatelliteWP Room.

Accessibility can feel overwhelming with lots of scary-sounding legal language and complicated requirements. We’ll take a quick look at the laws around accessibility so they don’t sound so scary. Then we’ll go over the basics of making accessible WordPress websites from the perspective of both design and development. We’ll go over practical examples of accessibility requirements. Finally, we’ll discuss tools you can use to help you get comfortable thinking about accessibility and testing for it on any website, including your next project.


Rapid Mobile Prototyping in React Native with WordPress

Presented in 2.210 Second Floor, Code.

This talk aims to provide WordPress developers with a deep technical introduction to native mobile development using React Native with WordPress as a headless backend. We will walk through an example case study to demonstrate the overall architecture, design and prototyping of a mobile app from scratch.


Travail collaboratif… en simplicité et efficacité

Presented by Guillaume Hamel in Business, S2.210 basement.

Dans un monde où WordPress prend de plus en plus de place, le développement collaboratif sera de plus en plus fréquent. Que ce soit une agence qui fait affaire avec un sous-contractant, ou un nouveau client qui arrive avec son site déjà fait, vous aurez à travailler avec le code d’une autre personne.

Ce n’est pas tout de savoir quels outils/méthodes utiliser, il faut aussi savoir comment bien travailler avec ces derniers afin de favoriser le travail du prochain. C’est cela que nous tenterons d’éclaircir et de démystifier durant la présentation.

WooCommerce Fundamentals

Presented by Jonathan Perlman in General, SatelliteWP Room.

What is eCommerce? It’s selling something (physical or digital) on the internet.
To a lot of people, developing eCommerce is a very scary thing. “It is only for the Advanced Developers,” some people say.
Let’s break down those walls together, as I show you the basics of building an online store

WordCamp Montréal 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!