[Sponsored Post] PlanetHoster – the web hosting adapted to your needs

PlanetHoster is a Canadian company offering web hosting solutions at the best quality-price ratio. Dedicated to serving individuals and organizations since 2007, we are located in Canada (Laval, greater Montreal) and France. We wholly own our infrastructure worldwide and are proudly accredited with ICANN (CIRA (.ca), ou Verisign (.com,.net,.tv).

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WordCamp Montreal Goes Green! And You Can, Too!

Guest Post by Tippi Thole

Let’s Talk Trash

Did you know that Canada leads the developed world in per capita production of garbage?! We produce 720 kg per person per year, or 2 kg per day. At that rate, our upcoming WordCamp Montreal conference could end up generating 800 kg of trash in two days! Yikes.

Continue reading “WordCamp Montreal Goes Green! And You Can, Too!”

Speaker Spotlight: Myriam Jessier, Neha Patel, Quentin Clarenne, and Rafael Scapin


Myriam Jessier

Myriam is a digital marketing consultant in Montreal. She likes long romantic walks to the fridge, technical SEO and dinosaurs. After more than a decade as an SEO, she’s been encouraged to share her knowledge.

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[Sponsored Post] SiteLock Website Security – Ten Years of Innovation

If you’re not already familiar with SiteLock, we are a global website security company protecting over 12 million websites daily with over 4 million of those powered by WordPress. We deliver a patented 360-degree website security solution to find, fix and prevent malware and other threats from affecting websites and their visitors.
Our services include WordPress database scanning and core CMS vulnerability patching, automatic malware scanning and removal, an advanced web application firewall, static application security testing (SAST), PCI compliance and website acceleration powered by a global CDN. We also offer phone, email and chat support, 24/7/365. With SiteLock, you can focus on what’s most important—your business, your passion, your word.

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Preparing for WordCamp Montreal

So you’ve just bought your ticket for WordCamp Montreal. Now what?

If this is your first WordCamp, you’re probably wondering how the day is going to flow. The weekend starts on Saturday at 8:15 am with you at the registration desk, picking up your badge and t-shirt.


After that, you can head over to the coffee station to get a little pick-me-up. Bring a mug and you can refill as much as you want!

Opening remarks are in the John Molson School of Business BMO amphitheater, which we’ve renamed the “Web Hosting Canada Theatre”. During the opening remarks, you’ll find out about what’s going on for the day, where the workshops are, and how to get on the WIFI. We have some surprises at the opening remarks, so don’t be late!

After that we’re going to have 3 sessions going on at the same time. To the more experienced WordCampers, they’ve been called “Tracks” but to us, they’re just sessions in rooms. We’ve color-coded and identified who the session would apply to.

  • General would appeal to the masses and be good for almost anyone with any skill level. Development is for the experienced people who want to level up their skills and learn new things related to coding.
  • Code sessions are for people who want to get their hands dirty. The sessions are geared to people who aren’t afraid to break things.
  • Business topics will appeal more to the type of person who likes the marketing and communications side of the web with a sprinkle of tech.
  • Content is strictly for people who want to use WordPress as a writer.
  • Lightning talks are short snippets of information that are geared to be quick, to the point and focused on a specific topic.
  • WooCommerce talks are for the developer who is building and/or supporting an e-commerce site and would like to get better with it.

A day or so before WordCamp, we suggest that you have another look at the schedule and pick out what talks you’ll be going to. You should do this on a device you’ll have with you cause you can favourite talks to build a custom schedule. You’re also gonna want to follow us on Twitter our handle @wordcampmtl and check out the event hashtag #wcmtl.

On the day of the camp, you’ll want to arrive early so you can start talking to people and learning what others are doing with WordPress. Throughout the day we’ll have an area set up where you can ask questions to professionals in the field who are volunteering time at the Happiness Bar. Have questions ready to go!

Don’t forget to wear good shoes and comfortable clothing. Also, business cards and a pen and paper wouldn’t be a bad idea too.

If you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed throughout the day, there will be volunteers and organizers ready to help you.

Speaker Spotlight: Jeremie Bergeron, Josh Pollock, Karalyn Thayer, and Kathryn Presner


Jeremie Bergeron

Du plus loin que je me souvienne, j’ai toujours aimé l’informatique. J’avais une dizaine d’années et je lisais déjà des tutoriels en ligne sur le CSS et le HTML pour créer des sites internet sur les autos. Quelques années plus tard, à l’âge de 16 ans, j’enregistrais ma compagnie au nom d’INTEK PLUS. À ce moment, je faisais plutôt du support technique et de la réparation d’ordinateur. Au cégep, vers l’âge de 18 ans, j’ai commencé à m’intéresser à la programmation et j’ai par la suite été admis à l’université en Science informatique et Génie logiciel. Depuis, j’y ai d’ailleurs animé des démos à leurs locaux, dans le cadre de leur cours de web. Après les études, j’ai décidé de pousser ma compagnie un peu plus loin et après plusieurs années d’effort, j’ai maintenant 4 employés qui travaillent avec moi chez INTEK PLUS et la compagnie croit d’année en année. Continue reading “Speaker Spotlight: Jeremie Bergeron, Josh Pollock, Karalyn Thayer, and Kathryn Presner”

Speaker Spotlight: Hugues Tennier, Jean-Francois Arseneault, Jennifer Doré Dallas, and Jer Clarke


Hugues Tennier

Depuis dix ans, Hugues a occupé différents postes dans le domaine du Web en tant que directeur artistique, chargé de cours ainsi que cofondateur d’une petite agence de publicité. Il occupe maintenant le poste de développeur front-end chez Shopify où il se concentre sur l’expérience utilisateur, l’accessibilité et les techniques de CSS modernes.

Continue reading “Speaker Spotlight: Hugues Tennier, Jean-Francois Arseneault, Jennifer Doré Dallas, and Jer Clarke”

Speaker Spotlight: Francis Paquet, Alexandre Boivin, Jamie Schmid, and Guillaume Hamel

Francis Paquet & Alexandre Boivin 

Talk: WordPress en agence, est-ce possible ?

Francis Paquet
Développeur solutions
Chef d’équipe (Team lead)

Francis est un programmeur de formation avec un esprit entrepreneur très développé. Par sa persévérance et son leadership, il travaille avec l’équipe afin de livrer des projets de qualité. Sa confiance et son dynamisme font de lui un chef d’équipe respecté et il sait mettre les clients en confiance. Francis travaille chez Parkour3 depuis près de 4 ans. Depuis environ 1 an, il a été nommé chef d’équipe. Il accompagne les chargés de projets et l’équipe de développement au niveau technique.

Continue reading “Speaker Spotlight: Francis Paquet, Alexandre Boivin, Jamie Schmid, and Guillaume Hamel”

Speaker Spotlight: Emmy Grand-Maison, Étienne Bélanger, Francesca Marano, and Gary Thayer


Emmy Grand-Maison

Talk:  Infinitewp pour la gestion multisite

Passionnée de la gestion de projets numériques, compétences avancées en informatique et Bachelière de l’Université de Sherbrooke en rédaction, communication et multimédias avec 7 ans d’expérience. Elle travaille avec WordPress depuis 7 ans.

Étienne Bélanger

Talk: Your First Headless WordPress Project with ReactJS and GraphQL

Je suis un développeur web qui travaille avec WordPress depuis plus de 10 ans. J’ai fais plusieurs types de sites: blogs, ecommerce, journaux, site d’artistes, site d’entreprises. Je crée des thèmes wordpress personnalisé ainsi des extensions pour des clients. Voici quelques réalisations : rabaischocs.com, leveil.com, nordinfo.com, equipementbeaudoin.com, restaurant-escudo.ca, groupejcl.com. Depuis plus d’un an, j’étudie et expérimente avec ReactJS et son environnement. Je suis actuellement, à terminer la refonte complète de mon site Web. Il sera construit avec ReactJS et GraphQL comme un projet Headless donc WordPress en backend. Mes connaissances avec ReactJS me permet maintenant d’introduire cette nouvelle façon de faire dans les projets de mon employeur.

Francesca Marano

Talk:  How to Format Your Text to Help Your Readers

Francesca is the WordPress Community Manager at SiteGround, web hosting company. She is also part of the WordPress community team, organizing Meetups and WordCamps in Torino.

She has years of experience as a small business owner, having transformed her passion for the web into a successful WordPress business. She published three books in Italian to help freelancers with business planning, productivity and websites.

She also founded C+B, a blog with an editorial staff of sixty authors offering advice to more than 35.000 Italian female creative entrepreneurs that reads it every month.

Francesca is a passionate speaker and you can find her in Italy and around the world talking about WordPress, community, open source, women in tech and small businesses.

Gary Thayer

Talk: Woo for You: Customizing WooCommerce

Gary is a WordPress Developer at Hall Internet Marketing who specializes in eCommerce websites and analytics tracking. He is an active member of the WordPress community, acting as an organizer for the Southern Maine WordPress Meetup and WordCamp Portland, ME.

Click here to see the whole schedule and start building your personalized program by starring your favourite talks.

Don’t have a ticket yet? Get yours now!

WordCamp Montreal 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!