Be a Speaker

Each year WordCamp Montreal strives to offer a wide variety of talks and discussions about WordPress. We are looking for people who are excited about WordPress to entertain our attendees and teach them new things.

Click here to fill out the form. Deadline is June 4.

Why speak?

Presenting at WordCamp takes some work but is very rewarding. You get to share your passion, convince people you’re worth hiring and help everyone learn about WordPress, all at the same time. Speakers also receive free admission to WordCamp.

What we’re looking for


The ideal speaker has a WordPress-related topic they are passionate about and that they can present in 10 or 45 minutes with attractive slides and detailed, coherent explanations. Designers, bloggers, businesses and developers are all welcome to apply! Talks can be in English or French. Your topic should be specific to WordPress.

Show us what you’ve made with WordPress and explain how you did it, or what you learned in the process. Give us concrete examples: code snippets, 10 important lessons you learned, specific advice on how to avoid problems, etc. Nothing is too hardcore, advanced, simple or beginner-level. We’re looking for diversity.

We reserve the right to refuse any submissions.

Unconference Sessions

Have a great idea for a WordPress-related activity that doesn’t fit into the above categories? Unconference sessions should last 45 or 90 minutes. Unconference sessions can be in English or French.

Lightning Talks

We’re seeking talk submissions for 10-min short presentations. These are bite-sized formats great for short demos, quick tips, and inspirational stories.

General Areas

The general fields we are hoping to cover include:

  • Using WordPress to blog and write.
  • Using WordPress to design and build websites.
  • WordPress plugin and core development and systems administration.
  • Primers on underlying web technologies (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript) that are needed for WordPress development.

Please view last year’s schedule for example topics.

Topic Ideas

Here’s a list of topics we’d love to see at WordCamp. These are just examples!

User/Blogger Track

  • Finding the perfect themes/plugins
  • HTML for bloggers
  • Using child themes
  • Monetizing your website
  • Attracting readers
  • Writing for the web
  • Case studies of large projects

Designer/Developer Track

  • Creating Bilingual sites
  • Design advice for WordPress
  • CSS tips for WordPress
  • Editing themes and using template tags
  • Creating plugins (intro or in-depth)
  • Releasing and/or selling themes
  • GPL/Free Software and what it means for WP Plugins and themes
  • Intro to Apache/MySQL optimization

Fill out the form below. Deadline is June 4.

WordCamp Montreal 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!